
What is Redispatch?

In redispatch, the grid operator tries to reduce the demand for transmission capacity with the help of intraday bids from market parties. With a redispatch bid, the CSP designated by the connected party, offers to up use more or less transmission capacity at his location to help reduce congestion in the grid within the same day.

The grid operator posts the congestion situation as an order in GOPACS. Connected parties in the congestion area can respond (represented by a Congestion Service Provider (CSP)) by placing a flex offer on a GOPACS affiliated energy trading platform (ETPA and EPEX SPOT).

Actions to resolve congestion may not cause problems for maintaining the balance of the power grid at the national level. Therefore, placing a buy order is always combined with a sell order outside the congestion area. This solves the congestion without disturbing the balance on the power grid.

GOPACS is an initiative of the Dutch grid operators:


Flex available?

Join GOPACS! Participating in GOPACS is interesting for every market party with the ability to influence electricity consumption or the generation of electricity, which can offer this flexibility to trade.

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